Case study - Transforming HR Training for Managers at a City Council

Read how Philip collaborated with a City Council’s people team to design and deliver impactful HR policy training to launch their new Disciplinary policy to managers………..


In a world that's constantly evolving, organisations often need to revisit their policies and procedures to ensure they remain effective and aligned with changing expectations. This City Council in question was no exception. They faced a pressing challenge – updating and relaunching their HR policy related to the disciplinary procedure. This task was not just about introducing a new policy, but also about equipping their managers with the essential soft skills needed to engage in informal conversations with their team members, using the AID feedback model.

Learning challenge

The City Council had recognized that their previous disciplinary policy was outdated and no longer suited the dynamic work environment they operated in. They needed a fresh approach, a policy that was fair, consistent, and responsive to the evolving needs of their people. However, there was a significant hurdle to clear – ensuring that all their managers, a diverse group with busy schedules, received comprehensive training without causing significant disruption.


Philip collaborated closely with the Council’s people consultant team to create a robust training program that would effectively launch the new disciplinary policy. What made Philip’s approach unique was its focus on making the training engaging and interactive, adaptable for both face-to-face and online delivery. This ensured that managers could access the training at their convenience, accommodating their demanding schedules.

In addition to creating the program, Philip worked diligently to coach the people consultant team. This ensured that the training was not just a one-time event but a lasting transformation. Managers emerged from the program with the knowledge and skills required to manage disciplinary matters in their teams effectively.


The results spoke volumes about the success of our approach. Over 100 managers participated in the training program, and their satisfaction rating was an impressive 9 out of 10.

But it wasn't just about policy understanding. The AID feedback model, a cornerstone of Max Talent’s training, provided managers with essential soft skills. Armed with these skills, they are now better equipped to engage in informal conversations, an invaluable asset in addressing disciplinary matters with empathy and effectiveness.

To discover how Philip from Max Talent can help you and your team develop bespoke and impactful manager training book a virtual coffee with me through this website or email


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